Summit, 2009 - 2010

Hong Kong 2017

Osage Gallery

The project Summit takes as its starting point a hypothetical meeting of the most significant Communist leaders in history: Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro. Apart from Castro, who lies faintly breathing and speechless, the leaders lie in glass coffins, making the summit of these once vociferous leaders a silent one. At a time when the whole world is drawn into the vortex of economic crisis, and doubt has emerged about the values inherent in Capitalism, the work poses the questions: are the ideas and ideals of these long-gone socialist vanguards still relevant? Will their ideas, concepts and theories reflect our sensibilities someday? 沈少民的《峰會》是一場虛構會議。歷史上幾位重要的共產主義領袖聚首一堂:卡斯特羅在病榻中呼吸微弱,不發一言;而列寧、毛澤東、金日成和胡志明則躺在水晶棺內長眠不起。曾經大聲疾呼的國家領導人,如今卻在參與一場鴉雀無聲的峰會。當全球陷入經濟危機的漩渦,資本主義固有的價值觀正被動搖,《峰會》不禁令人反思那些社會主義先驅所提出的見解和理念是否依然合用?他們的主張、概念和理論會否終有一天反映出我們的感受。