It Was A Cinema, 2016

Hong Kong 2017
It Was A Cinema


It Was A Cinema arises from the desire to explore the relationship between hate and fear and to translate into art how the two co-exist, are voiced and take shape. The installation is composed of a painting on paper onto which a video loop is projected. The viewer is confronted with the voicing of a universal feeling, which becomes particular through entering the work itself. This site-specific composition constructs and controls the complicated realm of empathy and daily experiences around the notions of feelings. Lee Kit (b. 1978, Hong Kong) lives and works between Taipei, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He obtained his MFA in 2009 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and in the same year was one of the finalists for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2009 – 2010. His work has been shown in prominent institutions such as The New Museum Triennial, New York; Tate Modern, London; Ullens Centre of the Arts, Beijing. Lee Kit represented Hong Kong at The 55th Venice Biennale. 這曾是一個劇院》的創作意念﹐源自李傑渴望探索仇恨 與恐懼之間的關係,並以藝術來詮釋兩者之間的共存、 表現和演變。他的藝術裝置把錄像投影於紙品畫作上循 環播放,讓觀眾面對普遍的情感表達,而當他們投入作 品之時,情感卻又變得獨特。這個針對現場環境而創作 的裝置組合﹐建構並控制現實中微妙複雜的同理心及環 繞情感的日常體驗。 李傑,1978 年於香港出生,現於香港與台北兩地生活和 工作。2009 年,他畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,獲頒藝 術碩士學位,同年入圍「2009 – 2010年亞洲傑出藝術 獎」名單。他的作品獲世界各地多所知名美術館展出, 其中包括紐約現代美術館、倫敦泰特現代美術館、北京 尤倫斯當代藝術中心等。此外,李傑代表香港參加 第 55 屆威尼斯雙年展」。