Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks, 2009

Basel 2015
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks

Tucci Russo Studio per l'Arte Contemporanea

12 fine-art ink-jet photographic prints | Each: 40 x 59.9 cm / 42.2 x 62.1 cm framed | Work installed: 136.6 x 263.4 cm | Edition of 5 + 2AP's
136.6 x 263.4 (cm)
53.8 x 103.7 (inch)
EXHIBITIONS: Tucci Russo Studio per l'Arte Contemporanea, Torre Pellice, "ROBIN RHODE.TENSION", 18 May - 28 September 2014 | PUBLICATIONS: "PICTURES REFRAMED. LEIF OVE ANDSNES-ROBIN RHODE", EMI 2009, pag. 80-88