Private Riots, 2014 - 2016

Hong Kong 2016
Private Riots

Kiang Malingue

Video animation, LCD monitor, boards, metallic wire, metallic frame
700.0 x 500.0 x 500.0 (cm)
275.6 x 196.9 x 196.9 (inch)
Private Riots is a major installation by the Indonesian collective Tromarama, established 2006 in Bandung by Febie Babyrose, Ruddy Hatumena and Herbert Hans. The monumental artwork presents how the trio observes the rapidly evolving urban cultural environment of Asia, while extrapolating its social, political and visual undercurrents. The first section rises from the floor-to-eye level. It is composed of two video stands flashing the Private Riots animation, set within a circular series of stills from the video itself. The second section, a large-scale chandelier of poster panels, is a remarkable structure that towers above the first, creating a striking metaphor for the height of collective yet individual power. 2006 年,菲比.貝比羅斯、赫伯特.漢斯和路迪.哈圖瑁拉於印尼萬隆組成 特羅拉馬三人組合。這件大型裝置作品《暗湧》呈現了他們對亞洲城市文化 環境迅速發展的觀察,同時對社會、政治和視覺暗湧的揣測。 裝置的第一部份是一個由地面升至觀眾視平線的環形展台,由台錄像支架組 成,閃爍地播放著《暗湧》動畫,以及展示摘錄自動畫的圖片。第二部份的 螺旋狀裝置,如吊燈般從天花懸垂多張海報橫幅,奪目地高高矗立在裝置的 第一部份上,創造出強而有力的視覺效果,隱藏著一種從個人到集體的權力