Opening of a Closed Center, 1997

Hong Kong 2016
Opening of a Closed Center

de Sarthe

Mixed media: wood, metal, found objects, furniture 混合
Opening of a Closed Center, one of the artist’s great masterpieces, powerfully embodies poetic blending as well as the inherent tensions that are at play throughout the artist’s oeuvre. A companion work to My Diary in Shaker Village (Lot 494), the two works were conceived while the artist spent time in a Shaker community in Sabbath Lake, Maine. As noted by Roberta Griffin, ‘wooden screens from Chinese monastery windows create a quiet space that holds a simple Shaker-style chair and an altar made from Chinese furniture suspended above the floor. Upon the altar are objects of everyday life, water and rice pots. These do not normally appear on traditional Chinese altars: however, the artist’s installation intuitively connects Shaker and Taoist beliefs about the sacred origins of human activity.' 《打開密封的中心》是陳箴傑出的代表作之一,強而有力地表現出貫穿於藝 術家作品中的詩性交融和內在張力。作品與《震教徒農莊日記》( Lot 494 ) 的創作靈感都是藝術家在緬因州安息湖的震教徒農莊度過了一段時間而得來 的。正如 Roberta Griffin 指出: 中國寺院的木窗圍出了一片平和與安靜的空 間,一把簡樸的夏克風格椅子和一個中式祭台懸浮在其中。祭台之上擺放著 人們日常用來盛水與儲米的各種器皿。這些物件並不會出現在傳統的中國祭 台上,但是藝術家將震教與道教關於人類宗教活動的起源進行了直觀的連 接。」