Schauspieler (Actors), 2014 - 2015

Hong Kong 2016
Schauspieler (Actors)

David Zwirner

With a career spanning four decades, Genzken is widely recognized for her pioneering contribution to contemporary sculpture. She frequently incorporates seemingly disparate materials and imagery to create characteristically complex, enigmatic works. Schauspieler (Actors) consists of freestanding floor sculptures which debuted as part of Genzken’s critically acclaimed, 2013 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The series, consisting of elaborately outfitted mannequins holding an array of props and accessories, is simultaneously simple and chaotic, static and dynamic. Examples on view include Schauspieler III, 1 (2015) – seven mannequins dressed in found and fabricated elements; and Untitled (2015) – two mannequins wearing neoncolored police vests. Positioned by the artist, the relationships and activities of the figures remain unknown, and their highly charged configurations add a psychological dimension to the work. 在四十多年的藝術生涯中,Genzken 對當代雕塑的開創性貢獻廣為人知,她 通常融合似乎迥然不同的材料和圖像,創造出風格複雜而神秘迷人的作品。 Schauspieler(演員)》由地面上的幾座獨立雕塑組成,於2013年在美國 紐約現代藝術博物館的 Genzken 回顧展上首次亮相,大獲好評。這個展品由 一列手持道具和配件的模特兒模型組成,他們都經過精心打扮,既簡亦亂, 既動亦靜。其一組展出項目包括《Schauspieler III, 1 》( 2015 ) 和《無題》 ( 2015 )。前者是七名模特兒模型穿著加工和裝配的物件,而後者是兩名模 特兒模型穿著霓虹色的警員背心。藝術家雖然編排了人物的位置,人物之間 的關係及其活動仍然不詳。如此強烈的佈局給作品增添了一種心理層面。