Relief from Grupo Frente series, 1955

Basel 2016
Relief from Grupo Frente series

Luisa Strina

Mixed Media
tempera and enamel on wood
40.0 x 40.0 x 5.0 (cm)
15.7 x 15.7 x 2.0 (inch)
“Her reliefs do explore sequencing, and yet, they integrate it in a set that possesses the solidity of the geometrical parquet (squares, rectangles, triangles) and square, wooden surfaces on which they are glued in a rhythmic order. Painted in two or three colors, these reliefs are incorporated in the wall (real space) as if they were part of it. Their optical and tactical integration is created through a chromatic artifice: the colored sides of the art-object contrast with the white on the walls in the same way that the color on the side of the floorboards stands out from the white on the surface of the works. From these two chromatic breaks between the width and the surface of the wall and the material properties of the work a perceptive feeling of continuity paradoxically arises, which makes the reliefs look like a geometric protuberance on the walls of the exhibition space.” In: “Lygia Pape – Entre o Olho e o Espírito” – Fernando Cocchiarale, 2004