Welcome to Birdhead World Again, Passions Bloom Ambitions from Vagina - 23, 2016

Basel 2016
Welcome to Birdhead World Again, Passions Bloom Ambitions from Vagina - 23

ShanghART Gallery

photographs, black-and-white inkjet, Tilia plywood, grass cloth, traditional lacquer, gold foil, Chinese traditional wet mounting technique
1502.0 x 502.0 (厘米)
591.3 x 197.6 (吋)
‘Like most of our previous works, all shooting locations and the time span of the selected photos are not planned. These photos came from the thousands of negatives accumulated during our meandering working trips over the past eight years. Each shot seems to capture space and time, but it’s in fact a study of our heart that constantly affirms the self. This action originates from the loneliness and void brought by the chaos, cold, and darkness in the human world that we felt while growing up. This void compels us to confront history and nature, to seek experience and warmth from the traces left by ancestors. It made us realize that accepting incidents and challenging time are actually a way of assuaging those feelings, because those traces are concrete evidence of our civilization. This is where the spirit of traditional craftsmanship and the human emotions channeled by artworks from different times converge. Through constant shooting, selecting and editing photos to create connections, through studying traditional skills and current techniques in fabricating and mounting photos, we achieve our ultimate objective: To express our emotions in the time we live in.’