Happy Bed, 2014

Hong Kong 2017
Happy Bed

Blindspot Gallery

Wang Qingsong’s Happy Bed is filmed in one still shot in which the large screen is divided into 35 cell-like bed spaces dimly lit by flashing lights in garish colors; the setting is suggestive of a brothel or a raunchy nightclub. Against the ambience of a throbbing heartbeat, naked couples become distinguishable in the cells and appear to be engaging in sexual congress. The scene is neither erotic nor pornographic, but carnal and ritualistic. Post-nuptial, the couples revert to their cocoons and the surreal scene returns to an empty pulsation of throbbing heartbeats, awaiting the next cycle. Exploring the primal and universal drives of reproduction and mating, the artist considers the work “an ultrasound image of life in the womb, throbbing, strong, unstoppable”. Wang Qingsong (b. 1966, China) lives and works in Beijing. He graduated from the Oil Painting department of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1993. His artistic practice involves photography and video, exploring themes of consumerism, urbanization and Western influences in the culture of post-modern China. He is most acclaimed for his elaborately staged tableaux photography, shot on massively scaled sets constructed in the studio. 王慶松的《幸福被窩》是一段以固定鏡頭拍攝的五分鐘 錄像。人工建構的場景被分成 35 個狹小的床格,色彩庸 俗的燈光在昏暗的環境中閃動著,令人聯想起妓院或低 級夜店。伴隨著心跳聲,一對對赤裸的伴侶逐漸在床格 中浮現,並開始進行無意識的交配行為。整個場景絲毫 沒有營造出色情的氣氛,取而代之的是一種表達肉慾的 集體儀式。交配結束後,男女返回被窩的蟲蛹,畫面在 噗噗的心跳聲中回到原形,等待下一循環。藝術家透過 作品探索人類對繁殖及交配的原始慾望,並將作品比喻 為一幀超聲波影像——「透視子官裡搏動、強烈而無可 阻擋的生命」。 王慶松,1966 年於中國出生,1993 年畢業於四川美術 學院油畫系。王氏的創作以攝影和錄像主導,並以探討 中國現代社會開放後所受的消費主義、城市化和西方文 化衝擊為主題。他最為人熟悉的是他在工作室內建構大 規模場景而拍攝的大型編導式攝影。