Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires III, 2006

Hong Kong 2017
Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires III

Ben Brown Fine Arts

This select group of smaller-scaled photographs is from Candida Höfer’s iconic and highly revered libraries series. Notably devoid of people, these images focus on the elaborate architectural and interior details of historically and culturally significant spaces. The photographs, curated by the artist, range from 2004 to 2009. A member of Düsseldorf School of Photography and trained under Bernd and Hilla Becher, Candida Höfer (b. 1944, Germany) is recognized for her technical precision and objective documentation; her photographs achieve an extraordinary sense of symmetry, stillness and timelessness. 攝影師康迪達.赫弗(Candida Höfer)的小型攝影作品 展展出其大獲好評的圖書館攝影系列。這些作品於極具 歷史和文化意義的地方拍攝,攝影師刻意忽略人類的蹤 影﹐集中捕捉細膩的建築與室內細節。是次展覽由赫弗 親自策展﹐涵蓋 2004 至 2009 年的作品。 康迪達.赫弗,1944 年於德國出生,為杜塞爾多夫攝影 學院(Düsseldorf School of Photography)成員,師承 攝影大師貝歇爾夫婦(Bernd and Hilla Becher),其精 準攝影技術配合客觀的陳述手法,備受認可。赫弗的攝 影作品極講究對稱﹐並散發出寂靜與永恆的感覺。