NYT, 2016

Hong Kong 2017

Buchmann Galerie

One of the oldest materials used for sculpture is ceramics, with China being a historic country of origin. Bettina Pousttchi’s works often reference the field of architecture and its social implications. The mural Framework started out as photographic details of the patterned blackened oak beams of historic, half-timbered houses in Germany, which Pousttchi then transformed into ceramic modules and arranged in ornamental patterns. The blue 'NYT' series deals with seriality and ornament. The module is derived from cornice stones arranged in different constellations, thus creating a spatial dynamism. Both works combine the language of European architecture with that of the Middle East, interlacing perspectives based on a transnational vision central to the artist’s oeuvre. German-Iranian artist Bettina Pousttchi (b. 1971, Germany) works in the disciplines of photography, video and sculpture. Her recent solo exhibitions include the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC, the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas and the Phillips Collection in Washington DC. She is the 2014 recipient of the Wolfsburg Art Prize. 陶瓷是用於製作雕塑的其中一種最古老的材料,而其出 產地又以中國最為歷史悠久。 貝蒂娜·普斯特奇 Bettina Pousttchi)的作品經常涉足建築領域及其對 社會的影響。壁畫《Framework》的概念源於普斯特奇 的攝影作品,她曾走訪德國許多古老的半木結構房屋, 先以照片紀錄陳舊發黑的橡木通花橫樑,繼而利用特別 排列的陶瓷模組重現橫樑花紋。藍色的《NYT》闡述了 序列」和「裝飾」兩個元素,模組的形態衍生自建築 物的飛檐,錯落有致的排列方式則產生了有節奏的空間 感。兩個作品都將歐洲與中東兩地的建築語言結合,並 以藝術家貫徹始終的跨國視野為基礎,將不同領域的觀 點交錯透視。 德籍伊朗裔藝術家貝蒂娜.普斯特奇,1971 年於德國出 生,擅長攝影、錄像及雕塑創作,近期分別於華盛頓的 希爾斯霍恩博物館、達拉斯的納希爾雕塑中心和華盛頓 的菲利普斯收藏館舉行個展。2014 年,普斯特奇獲頒 德國 Wolfsburg 藝術獎」。