Trace - Sky - Tokyo Story 04, 2015

Hong Kong 2017
Trace - Sky - Tokyo Story 04

Tokyo Gallery + BTAP

Through careful research on video technology and its history, SHIMURAbros have expanded their practice from working with moving image to objects. Their series ‘Trace’, which they have been working on since 2009, materializes the distortions occasionally seen on Google Street View images in a unique way. The three-dimensional objects use materials that change the optical impression such as mirrors and filters. The motifs, correspondingly, are heavily circulated images, like a scene of a sky from Yasujiro Ozu’s 1953 film Tokyo Story, and The Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover. From a sky whose hue is amplified by a mirror, to the image of Abbey Road which changes according to the viewer’s position, the works consistently question the reality produced by the digital images of these very locations. SHIMURAbros consists of Yuka Shimura (b. 1976, Japan) who holds a bachelor’s degree from Tama Art University and a master’s degree from University of the Arts London and her brother Kentaro (b. 1979, Japan) who holds a degree in Imaging Art from Tokyo Polytechnic University. The pair received an Excellence Award in the Art Division of the 13th Japan Media Arts Festival and were participants of the NTU CCA Singapore Residencies program, 2016. 藉由詳細研究影像技術及其歷史,SHIMURAbros 從虛擬 的動態影像走到實在的裝置藝術,擴闊了其藝術領域。 他們自 2009 年起創作的「Trace」系列以獨特的手法, 應用能改變視覺印象的物料,如鏡面和濾鏡等,製作出 立體物件,把谷歌街景地圖中偶爾出現的扭曲圖像真實 呈現人前。其他作品也同樣引用一些廣為人熟知的圖 像,包括小津安二郎 1953 年推出的影片《東京物語》 Tokyo Story)中的天空場景,以及披頭四《艾比路》 Abbey Road)專輯的封面。在 SHIMURAbros 的創作 中,他們以鏡面加強了天空畫面的色調,使艾比路的視 覺效果隨觀者身處的位置而轉變,闡明出他們眾多的作 品其實都在質疑這些熟悉場景的數碼圖像所產生的真實 性。 SHIMURAbros 為姊弟二人藝術組合,姐姐 Yuka 生於 1976 年,擁有日本多摩美術大學學士學位及倫敦藝術 大學碩士學位;弟弟Kentaro生於 1979 年,畢業於日本 東京工藝大學影像藝術系。二人組合獲頒「第 13 屆日 本新媒體藝術祭藝術組大獎」,並在 2016 年受邀參加 NTU新加坡當代藝術中心(NTU CCA Singapore)的駐 地項目。