Hong Kong 2018

Mujin-to Production

lambda print
125.0 x 189.4 (厘米)
49.2 x 74.6 (吋)
The area between the two walls is part of the local Mexican residents’ daily life, a familiar land to throw and pick up garbage, and children to play around in while always staying on guard. Chim↑Pom, forming “Team LIBERTAD” with those people, installed an object comprised of a hole, a cross labeled “Libertad” and a shovel all made with plastic. The cross signifies a grave and the name written on the cross belongs to LIBERTAD, on the other side of hole, The Grounds. LIBERTAD, means “Liberty” in English, which has been a symbolic concept in the U.S. This piece was created precisely to build a grave for the idea of liberty on American land. Executed under such a theme, the reality of people, such as those in Team LIBERTAD including Ellie who are restricted from entering the U.S. and the problems between nations are also buried.