Dog by Bamboo by Italian Jesuit missionary Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the Shenyang Palace Museum; One Hundred Horses in a Landscape by Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the National Palace Museum Taiwan; The Pine, Hawk and Glo, 2018

Hong Kong 2018
Dog by Bamboo by Italian Jesuit missionary Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the Shenyang Palace Museum; One Hundred Horses in a Landscape by Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the National Palace Museum Taiwan; The Pine, Hawk and Glo


Watercolor on paper
56.5 x 76.0 (厘米)
22.2 x 29.9 (吋)
義大利耶穌會清郎世寧的《竹蔭西猊狗圖》,藏於瀋陽故宮博物院、清郎世寧《百駿圖》,藏於台灣故宮博物院、清郎世寧於1724年雍正皇帝生日時所繪的《嵩獻英芝圖》,藏於北京故宮博物院、2013年4月26日,法國皮諾家族的弗朗索瓦-亨利.皮諾捐贈的兔首、清郎世寧畫瑞麅,郎世寧於乾隆十六年(1751)秋天圍獵時,描繪蒙古部族所進獻的麅 Dog by Bamboo by Italian Jesuit missionary Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the Shenyang Palace Museum; One Hundred Horses in a Landscape by Giuseppe Castiglione from the collections of the National Palace Museum Taiwan; The Pine, Hawk and Glossy Ganoderma by Giuseppe Castiglione in honor of Emperor Yongzheng's birthday in 1724, from the collections of the Beijing Palace Museum; Bronze Head of Rabbit donated by François-Henri Pinault on April 26, 2013; Auspicious Roe Deer, Giuseppe Castiglione’s depiction of roe deer offered as tribute by Mongolian tribes at an autumn hunt in the 16th Year of Emperor Qianlong (1751).