Lunar Dial, 2016

Hong Kong 2018
Lunar Dial

Capsule Shanghai

"Lunar Dial" is an animation short film by Gao Yuan (b. 1986 Kunming, China) which took six years to produce (2010-2016). The backdrop of the animation "Lunar Dial" consists of acrylic paintings Gao Yuan created and over 400 handmade drawings digitized onto the film. Each individual scene in the film is not necessarily related to or in chronological order with the previous scenes it juxtapose with, but it is connected through rhythm, spacing, sound and silence. This creates a distant familiarity like that in memory and dream. The title was chosen for its reference to moonlight, shadowy imprecision, time, and dream sense. A lunar dial, like a sundial, is an ancient device for measuring time, but it is dependent on the moonlight for its mechanism. "Lunar Dial" was nominated as Tiger Awards for Short Films at “International Film Festival Rotterdam” (2017).; ; Her practice centers on animation and painting, illustrating the relevance and difference of homogeneity and repetitiveness of images and concepts, and the temporality of the two. Her work is rich with symbolism, conveying the uncertainty of consciousness. 《月晷》是高源(1986年生於中國昆明)歷時六年(2010-2016)完成的動畫短片。背景均為布面丙烯繪畫,動畫以逾400張手繪作品等合成。短片中每個單獨場景並非絕對關聯,也沒有前後時間的線性關係,而是由節奏、空間、聲音和靜寂串聯起來。由此產生如夢似幻、遙遠又熟悉的氛圍。標題取自其與月光、曖昧、時間和夢境的聯繫。月晷與日晷同為古代測量時間的工具,不同在需借助月光而非日光。 《月晷》曾獲得鹿特丹國際電影節短片金虎獎提名(2017)。 高源的藝術實踐以動畫和繪畫為主,著眼於圖像和概念間的聯繫與差異,包括兩者的暫存特質。她的作品象徵意味濃厚,傳遞著意識的不確定。