Dear, 2017

Hong Kong 2018

Sabrina Amrani

"Dear" is a film comprising a selection of GIF artworks from the eponymous series by Indian artist UBIK that addresses the politics of the art world and the various positions within it in a tongue-in-cheek manner, while they are also critical of the various agencies that operate within the scene. The texts are inspired by the Indian art scene, but are also relatable on a universal level. These texts arise out of a lack of critical discourse within the art community in India, which tends to be very exclusive. Power structures within the scene in India mostly get away with a lot. Through this works, UBIK attempts to question the disparities from his position of that of an outsider within this scene. UBIK’s practice concerns with the deliberation of texts, images, objects and environments. His work often oscillates between various spheres of the art making process. The artists observes the possibility of constructing a narrative wherein the aesthetics bear resemblance to situations whose occurrences are mostly rooted within societal matters that concern our contemporary existence. 《Dear 》是由一系列GIF 動圖藝術作品創作的電影,這些作品均來自印度藝術家UBIK 的同名藝術作品系列,以辛辣幽默的形式探討了藝術世界中的政治因素和階層劃分,這些因素對於藝術圈中的各家經紀機構而言也同樣至關重要。該電影劇本的創作也是以印度藝術世界為背景,但其闡述的內容也可在整個世界的層面詮釋。 劇本探討了印度藝術領域中缺乏批判性評價的問題,這讓藝術在印度成為一件非常排外的活動,讓印度藝術圈中的權力階層藉此堂皇謀取私利。 UBIK 認為從他的角度看到的印度藝術世界,與圈外人看到的有所差別,他試圖通過自己的藝術作品來質疑這個現象。 UBIK 的藝術創作側重於通過文字、圖像、對象和環境進行思考,通常融匯不同的方法進行創作。這位藝術家希望通過觀察構建一個故事,在這個故事中,以美學表述的情景大部分都深植於社會主題,且與人類現代生活密切相關。