Xilogravura #3 / Woodcut #3, 2008

Miami Beach 2018
Xilogravura #3 / Woodcut #3


Analogical on Kodak Endura
135.0 x 160.0 x 10.0 (cm)
53.1 x 63.0 x 3.9 (inch)
Dias & Riedweg have invited a group of funk dancers to re-stage nine of the original woodcuts from Hans Staden’s (1527-1578) book “True Story and Description of a Country of Wild, Naked, Grim, Man-eating People in the New World, America “. In these scenes, the dancers celebrate their music and their culture in a grill party at the top of a favela in Rio de Janeiro, in which they restage some of the archetypical images that since 1557 have contributed to build up the concept of exotism through modern times.