One Dollar (B43305295K), 2014

Hong Kong 2019
One Dollar (B43305295K)


Ants, colored sand, plastic box, plastic pipe
45.0 x 105.0 (cm)
17.7 x 41.3 (inch)
Born 1959 in Fukuoka, Japan Lives and works in Hiroshima, Japan Avant-garde artist Yukinori Yanagi presents a series of signature artworks in which various images of national flags and currencies made of colored sand are encased in plastic boxes. Inside, ants – representing anonymous existence – voluntarily carry sand through tubes connecting the boxes. Over time the images gradually dissolve and intermix, leaving a trace of destruction that humorously articulates for the viewers the vulnerability of the authorized nationalistic identity and legal tender. The series resonates with the multi-layered contexts seen in recent social phenomena such as Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution and Great Britain’s Brexit. Yukinori Yanagi earned an MFA in sculpture from Yale University. He received the Aperto Award at the 45th Venice Biennale and continues to participate in numerous exhibitions. His work can be found in major museums such as MoMA in New York and Tate Modern in London. 柳幸典 1959 年出生於日本福岡 現於日本廣島生活及工作 日本當代大師柳幸典的代表作系列,以 彩沙細膩地重現國旗及貨幣圖像,然後 封存在塑膠箱內,裡面還有象徵「匿名 (anonymous)存在」的螞蟻,任由牠們 的自由意志,在連接箱子的管道中搬運着 彩砂,使國旗及貨幣圖像隨着時間逐漸模 糊和混合,留下的瓦解痕跡幽默地向觀者 揭示權威認可下國家主義認同與法定貨幣 制度的脆弱性。這一系列作品也喚起近年 一些涵蓋多重脈絡的社會事件,包括香港 雨傘運動及英國脫歐爭議等 。 柳幸典於美國耶魯大學美術學院主修雕 塑並取得碩士學位。曾獲第45屆威尼斯 雙年展「Aperto」單元獎項,此後參與 無數展覽,其作品可見於紐約現代藝術 博物館及倫敦泰特現代美術館等國際藝 術殿堂。