China Landscape, 1987

Hong Kong 2019
China Landscape

Ben Brown Fine Arts

Acrylic on canvas
110.0 x 158.0 (cm)
43.3 x 62.2 (inch)
Born 1937 in London, UK Lives and works in Hong Kong, China and London, UK Rosamond Brown’s meditative landscape paintings of Hong Kong and China are composed of swathes of color gently washing into one another, aligning her with Western post-war Abstract Expressionists and Color Field painters, while her immersion in Asia and direct exchange with the local avant-garde brought elements of Zen and calligraphic precision to her work. Brown held solo exhibitions in 1964 and 1966 at the Chatham Gallery, Hong Kong’s first permanent exhibition space for artists. Her 1978 solo exhibition at the British Embassy in Beijing marked the first show of contemporary Western art in post-Cultural Revolution China and drew artists and dignitaries who were awed by her semi-abstraction and loose-brushed painting techniques. Brown studied at Belgrade University, Yugoslavia, and Central School of Art and Design (now Central Saint Martins), London. She has lived and worked in Hong Kong since 1964. 1937 年出生於英國倫敦 現於中國香港和英國倫敦生活及工作 Rosamond Brown以中國及香港為主題 的抒情畫作,運用一片片互相滲透融合的 色彩,創造出猶如冥想的風景,其風格可 比擬二次大戰後於西方興起的抽象表現主 義藝術及色域繪畫。深受亞洲文化薰陶, 加上跟亞洲各地先鋒派創作者親身交流的 經歷,為她的作品精確地帶來了禪意和 書法元素。Rosamond曾經分別於1964 年及1966年在雅苑畫廊 — 香港首間為本 地藝術家而設的永久展覽空間 — 舉行個 人作品展。其後她於1978年在英國駐北 京大使館再次舉辦的個展,是為後文革時 期首個在中國舉行的當代西方藝術展覽, 作品的半抽象風格及展現的鬆散筆法技 巧,令當時慕名而來的藝術家和名流貴賓 為之驚嘆。 曾就讀南斯拉夫貝爾格萊德大學和倫敦中 央藝術與設計學院(現中央聖馬丁學院) 的Rosamond,自1964年起於香港生活 及工作。