La dépossession, 2014

Hong Kong 2019
La dépossession


Theater canvas, painting, steel tube and straps
1000.0 x 1000.0 (厘米)
393.7 x 393.7 (吋)
In line with works presented at the Kunsthaus Zurich (2012) and for the Marcel Duchamp Prize (2013), Latifa Echakhch presents a ‘ghost show’, a performance deserted by both audience and performers after some unknown disaster. La dépossession evokes the latest landscape of The Divine Comedy: perhaps a decomposing sky glimpsed through the foliage of a strange blue forest. Here, the sky seems to have fallen: a theater backdrop painted blue and dotted with clouds has slipped to the floor like a dress left at the foot of the bed. Standing before this crumpled, unfinished canvas, too large for the space, one’s thoughts might turn to the skies of 17th-century paintings, the works of Nicolas Poussin, and to the golden age of theater. A melancholic sense of non finito hangs over the abandoned scene. 拉蒂法•艾霞克茜 1974 年生於摩洛哥El Khnansa 現於瑞士馬蒂尼生活及工作 《剝奪》(2014) 1000 x 1000 厘米 劇院帆布、畫作、鋼管、捆帶 拉蒂法‧艾霞克茜的《剝奪》,跟她先後於2012年在蘇黎世美術館展出及2013年杜象獎的得獎作品如出一轍,想像一場表演由於遇上不明的災難,觀眾及表演者從此一去無蹤的情景。《剝奪》展現的場景猶如《神曲》所描繪的最後景象,看似是從一個奇異森林的樹葉之間,瞥見正在瓦解墜落的天空。藍色的舞台佈景繪上朵朵白雲,就像丟在床邊的一條裙子,裙腳散落在地上。這皺摺重重呈未完成狀態的巨大畫布,擠在小小的空間中,令觀者聯想到十七世紀法國畫家普桑筆下的天空,以及戲劇的黃金年代。被遺棄而未能圓滿落幕的演出,透出一股淡淡的哀愁。