Figures devant la lune, 1942

Hong Kong 2019
Figures devant la lune

Galerie Lelong & Co.

Work on Paper
Pastel, gouache, wash, brush and ink, pencil on paper
64.5 x 48.5 (cm)
25.4 x 19.1 (inch)
Born 1893 in Barcelona, Spain Died 1983, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Joan Miró left war-torn France for Mallorca in 1940, then arrived in Barcelona in 1942. Over two years he produced works on paper consisting of shapes and signs, some of which had featured in his earlier work, others completely new, thus creating a sort of alphabet which would form the basis of his painting in subsequent years. These works revolve around recurring themes: women, birds, and stars. After the war, Miró returned to Paris where his reputation was already well-established and spreading to New York. This period of intense activity is illustrated in his work by prolific creativity. In 1949, he embarked on the production of a series of paintings on paper, the ‘Graphismes concrets’ (concrete graphics) whose compositions demonstrate great confidence. Joan Miró – painter, sculptor, and ceramicist – is a major artist of the 20th century with works included in prominent international museum collections. 胡安.米羅 1893 年出生於西班牙巴塞隆拿 1983 年逝世於西班牙帕爾馬 胡安.米羅於1940年離開遭戰火蹂躪 的法國,其後於1942年抵達西班牙巴塞 隆拿。當中兩年間問世的作品為一些在 紙上繪畫的形狀和符號,其中部份已在 他較早前的作品出現過,其餘則是全新 創作,由此形成一組符號體系,成為米 羅往後繪畫的基礎,延伸成幾個在他作 品中反覆出現的主題:女人、小鳥和星 星。戰爭結束後,米羅回到巴黎,他在 當地已建立穩固名聲並已遠播至紐約。 米羅在這段期間活動頻繁,這種氣氛也 展現於他豐富而具創造力的作品之中。 自1949年起,米羅投入創作「具像的平 面構圖」紙本繪畫系列,畫面組合展現 從容自信的光芒。 胡安.米羅是二十世紀舉足輕重的藝術 家、畫家、雕塑家及陶藝家,作品廣為 國際知名博物館珍藏。