Scented Air · The Stroll, 2012 - 2018

Hong Kong 2019
Scented Air · The Stroll

Tang Contemporary Art

Scented Air · The Stroll is Yuan Gong’s transformative continuation of his work Scented Air 6000 m3 (2011). Since 2012, the artist has carried a fog machine on his person into spaces at Documenta 13, Prague Contemporary Art Festival, Berlin’s Reichstag building, and the Milan Central Train Station. These active interventions attract public attention, the police, and the media. Though the fog looks menacing as it flows through public spaces, it is harmless, prompting audiences to reevaluate their feelings of fear and horror. In this work, the artist creates a confrontational relationship between art, media, science, and technology, transforming perception and the imagination. Title:《空⾹.漫步》 Artist: 原弓 《空香.漫步》是原弓2011年《空香6000⽴方》的延續和變革。從2012年開始,藝術家攜帶着造霧裝置漫步在卡塞爾文獻展,布拉格當代藝術節,柏林國會大廈,米蘭火車站等現場,吸引公眾的目光,員警和媒體的介入,並製造輿論。看似來勢洶,流動變幻,原弓的霧氣實則毫無殺傷力,並且他希冀以此來消除人們的恐懼感以獲得自由空間。霧氣被原弓塑造為他的一個符號,並用氣體的味道和形態作為藝術媒介,原弓表達自己對世界和中國現狀的綜合感受,並衝撞藝術創作與藝術體制、媒介和科技進步之間的關係。