The Strangers, 2018

Hong Kong 2019
The Strangers


On weekends or holidays, the Zhongli train station in Taiwan is always filled with migrant workers who moved to seek out better economic or living conditions. In 1949, millions of Chinese soldiers and civilians migrated to Taiwan; they are regarded as ‘displaced persons’. Yuan’s father was one of these immigrants, a refugee of the civil war, a stranger away from home. For The Strangers, Yuan uses a high-speed camera and a high-lumen spotlight to shoot from the moving passenger car through the window. As the camera captures the face of each person standing on the platform, these strangers transform into sculptures, frozen in time. Title:《異鄉人》 Artist: 袁廣鳴 只要在假日走入台灣的中壢車站, 成千上萬的台灣移工為了更好的經濟或生活而「移動」。如果回顧1949年因國共內戰遷徙到台灣的大量中國軍民,這「流離失所者」的身份,按照「社會學」分類的話,則為難民身份的一群異鄉人。作品以高速攝影機,輔以手持聚光燈朝月臺上的旅客進行拍攝,超高速的鏡頭讓這些陌生臉孔及身影,猶如「凍結凝住」的「雕像」。