Thread, 2018

Hong Kong 2019

Boers-Li Gallery

Xing Danwen examines the complexities surrounding communication and interpersonal connection in relation to the concept of love. The artist and her mother serve as the main characters – their stories play out separately on split screens . One screen shows the mother’s aged hands knitting a dress with tenderness and care; on the other, the daughter wears the garment, which unravels with her movements. Xing’s body slowly becomes exposed, evoking a feeling of liberation, fragility, and vulnerability. Though she is trapped in the thread, she continues to move forward with determination. The two actions are separate and seem in conflict, but mother and daughter appear to share an unspoken understanding. Title:《線》 Artist: 邢丹文 邢丹文透過這錄像作品,試圖探索人與人之間的溝通和關聯的復雜性,以及「愛」的關系和角色。藝術家本人和她的母親親身出演,螢幕的一邊是母親滄桑的手,充滿了愛意和關切,日復一日不停地編織;螢幕的另一邊,女兒穿著這件毛衣裙,在奔走中,衣服被漸漸拆解。當女兒的身體慢慢地赤裸,一種解放了的感覺油然而生,同時意味著失去了保護,身體變得脆弱和易受傷害。即使被線束縛,對自由不可遏制的渴望驅使女兒奮勇前行。這兩組行動看似各行其是、相互對立,觀者卻可以感受到母親和女兒似乎是同謀,正在秘密分享著一個不言而喻的默契。