Big Characters, 2015

Hong Kong 2019
Big Characters

Arario Gallery

Thirty Chinese characters built in 1968, each the size of a soccer field, together form slogans of the Cultural Revolution. These stone characters are legible only from the air, allowing pilots to navigate to a secret military aviation school in a region of the Gobi Desert. In the years since the Cultural Revolution, these characters underscore the Maoist belief that China is a socialist utopia. By juxtaposing images of these stone slogans with footage of international events that occurred in 1968, Ju reflects upon monumental change and stagnation. Title:《大字》 Artist: 雎安奇 錄像中展現了僅在高空才得以清晰辨認的三十個巨型漢字,每一個字都如足球場一般大,組成了文化大革命口號;這些大字由堆疊的石頭建成,曾被1968年建於沙漠戈壁的一座秘密軍用機場用為航標。但自文革以來,這些大字已然更具象徵意義,這種意義在對烏托邦的渴望中佔據一席之地。雎安奇將這些大字與1968年席捲全球的各種事件的鏡頭並置,希望借此表達一種排列與停滯。