Petite construction rouge, 2017

Basel 2019
Petite construction rouge

Galerie Georg Nothelfer

43.0 x 44.0 x 13.0 (cm)
16.9 x 17.3 x 5.1 (inch)
Jan Voss (*1936) lives and works in Paris and Berlin. Throughout his oeuvre, Jan Voss explores the “order” within chaos, in spite of its ever-changing nature. With his distinctive hallmarks, Voss displays life as a multilayered, often chaotic flow of time. He reflects on the unreasonable amount of signs that we are forced to ingest and process every day in a time that is increasingly informed by the media. The diverse techniques and materials Voss experiments with manifest themselves in a varied spectrum of works: from vibrant and vividly coloured to a subtle, narrative and more graphic imagery. Thus, everything is allowed that serves the making of his tableaus: crumpling, creasing, tearing, sawing, nailing and gluing. This lets Jan Voss’ works have a hybrid effect on the viewer, enigmatic and eclectic on the one hand, on the other joyful and energetic.