Installation view of Callum Innes’s exhibition at Parra & Romero, Ibiza. Courtesy of the gallery.
Left: Installation view of Berlinde De Bruyckere's exhibition ‘City of Refuge I’, Commanderie de Peyrassol, 2023 (Sjemkel IV, 2020, 2020 and Sjemkel V, 2020-2021, 2021 ; -009-, 2011-2012, 2012). Courtesy Berlinde De Bruyckere, Galleria Continua, and Commanderie de Peyrassol. Right: Nedko Solakov, ‘Peyrassoldoodles among Philippe Austruy Collection’, 2023. Courtesy of Nedko Solakov, Galleria Continua, and Commanderie de Peyrassol. Photographs by Jeanchristophe Lett.
Installation view of Tamara Al Samerraei’s exhibition ‘Promise You Made’. Courtesy of Marfa’, Beirut.
Installation view of ‘Always Here’. Photograph by Enrico Cano.
Mario Merz, Senza titolo, 1985. Courtesy Fondazione Merz. Photograph by Roberto Boccaccino.