左:《Untitled Scene (Aimless Calligraphy, March 2)》(2022),Vikram Divecha;右:《Untitled Scene (Aimless Calligraphy, August 3)》(2022),Vikram Divecha,圖片由藝術家及Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde提供
左:《Untitled Scene (Aimless Calligraphy, March 2)》(2022),Vikram Divecha;右:《Untitled Scene (Aimless Calligraphy, August 3)》(2022),Vikram Divecha,圖片由藝術家及Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde提供
Dinh Q. Lê, Khmer Reamker #12 , 2021. Courtesy of 10 Chancery Lane, Hong Kong, and STPI, Singapore.
Dinh Q. Lê, Khmer Reamker #12 , 2021. Courtesy of 10 Chancery Lane, Hong Kong, and STPI, Singapore.

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