Amy Cappellazzo. Portrait by Timothy Geenflied-Sanders.
Amy Cappellazzo. Portrait by Timothy Geenflied-Sanders.
Left: Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2023. Right: Albert Oehlen, Untitled, 1993. Both presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Galerie Max Hetzler.
Left: Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2023. Right: Albert Oehlen, Untitled, 1993. Both presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Galerie Max Hetzler.
Jennifer Barlett, Houses: Thin Lines, 1998, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Marianne Boesky Gallery.
Jennifer Barlett, Houses: Thin Lines, 1998, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Marianne Boesky Gallery.
Alighiero Boetti, Mappa, 1984, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Tornabuoni Art.
Alighiero Boetti, Mappa, 1984, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Tornabuoni Art.
 Firelei Báez, the vast ocean of all possibilities (19°36'16.9"N 72°13'07.0"W / 41°30'32.3"N 81°36'41.7"W), 2022, presented in the Unlimited sector by James Cohan Gallery.
Firelei Báez, the vast ocean of all possibilities (19°36'16.9"N 72°13'07.0"W / 41°30'32.3"N 81°36'41.7"W), 2022, presented in the Unlimited sector by James Cohan Gallery.
Kerstin Brätsch, PARA PSYCHIC_Verklettung (Ehe, alte s. Menschenfett), (detail) 2020, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Gió Marconi.
Kerstin Brätsch, PARA PSYCHIC_Verklettung (Ehe, alte s. Menschenfett), (detail) 2020, presented in 'OVR: Basel' 2023 by Gió Marconi.

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