Left: Portrait of Joey Holder. Photograph by Jack de Aguilar. Right: Joey Holder, Radiozoa, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
Left: Portrait of Joey Holder. Photograph by Jack de Aguilar. Right: Joey Holder, Radiozoa, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
Joey Holder, Ctenophore, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
Joey Holder, Ctenophore, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
Left: Joey Holder, Coccolithophore, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen. Right: Joey Holder, Cyanophyta, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
Left: Joey Holder, Coccolithophore, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen. Right: Joey Holder, Cyanophyta, 2023. Courtesy of Seventeen.
