What does the word ‘Paris’ evoke for you?
Désinvolture [carefree manner].
Your first memory of Paris?
An opening of an exhibition by Rirkrit Tiravanija at Chantal Crousel’s old space. I believe it was his first show. Afterwards, we all went to dinner at Chez Omar on rue de Bretagne – Pierre Huyghe, Philippe Parreno, and many others were there. At the time, the currency was still French francs!
Where do you feel most at home?
In my bed and in my laundry room.
Who do you think best embodies Paris?
Nadège [Vanhee-Cybulski, artistic director of Hermès] and Michèle Lamy. Neither of them was born here, by the way! One takes the métro all the time, and the other one, never.
Your favorite breakfast place?
Cafés San José, rue de Paradis.
Where are the best boutiques?
I love the Marché d’Aligre, in the 12th arrondissement, and Opera Market, a delicatessen near Palais-Royal. Hermès, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, and Sisley, rue du Bac, are my prefered fashion and beauty spots. For vintage treasures, I go to Plaisir Palace. My favorite bakery is Sébastien Gaudard’s Salon de thé – Pâtisserie des Tuileries, rue des Pyramides : the gâteau St. Honoré is to die for.
Who would be your dream guest(s) for a dinner party?
Michèle Lamy, at Victor Hugo’s house, place des Vosges.
Where do you go out in Paris?
For highballs, Stand Tora, rue de la Sourdière. For afternoon tea, my kitchen, Rose Kitchen, rue Saint-Sabin.
What work of art best represents Paris?
The illustrations in Les Dîners de Gala (1973), Salvador Dalí’s surrealist cookbook.
What is the craziest thing you have heard or seen in the streets of Paris?
Once, I was walking along a street and saw my son with a girl. I saw his sparkling eyes as he looked at her, talking and walking. It was crazy to see but also beautiful, because he didn’t see me!
What can you only do in Paris?
Wine talk.
What do you miss most when you are far from Paris?
The light, and my bed.
Your best advice for someone visiting the city?
The city comes alive at dusk: Listen to the sounds crossing the Seine.
Caption for full-bleed images, from top to bottom: 1. Rose Chalalai Singh making matcha tea in her kitchen. 2. Show window at Sébastien Gaudard’s Salon de Thé - Pâtisserie des Tuileries. 3. Opéra Market. All videos by Aliki Christoforou for Art Basel.