Installation view of Sanya Kantarovsky’s artwork ‘Badgirl’ (2023) in his exhibition ‘After birth’ at Taka Ishii Gallery Kyoto, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Taka Ishii Gallery.
Installation view of Sanya Kantarovsky’s artwork ‘Badgirl’ (2023) in his exhibition ‘After birth’ at Taka Ishii Gallery Kyoto, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Taka Ishii Gallery.
Sky Hopinka, Fainting Spells (HD video, stereo, color, 10'45''), 2018. Courtesy of the artist and Broadway.
Sky Hopinka, Fainting Spells (HD video, stereo, color, 10'45''), 2018. Courtesy of the artist and Broadway.

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