Re-rupture, 2017

Hong Kong 2018

Liang Gallery

In 1995, there was a human-shaped balloon on the top of Chongxing Bridge in Taipei, and there was also the attempt of suspending all kinds of items in the air, such as a washing machine, a boiling hot pot, the statue of Chiang Kai-shek, and a sex doll, trying to crash them to the ground. But the plan failed eventually; nothing was destroyed. Before everything started, it ended because of the self-explosion of the human-shape balloon. The same year under Chongxing Bridge, there was also a large scale fight. The people present there that day slashing each other with an iron rod or sashimi knife. During the process of collecting materials, I saw a small hill of debris composed of the remaining molds of the Window on China Theme Park, which is still left on that balcony to slowly decay: supposedly irrelevant matters that took place at different times are piled together, becoming a miniaturized national ruin as they are exposed to sun and rain. This work originated from "Broken Spectre," an exhibition co-curated by Yu Wei and ET@T at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, which reexamines cultural practices based on bodily sensations in Taiwan in the 1990s in relation to the wrecked body, sensual pleasure, and unmaterialized utopia. 1995年,吳中煒試圖在台北重新橋上空升起一個人形氣球,並將各種物件,比方說洗衣機、煮沸的火鍋、蔣中正銅像、充氣娃娃……全都懸吊到高空中,試圖將它們摔下墜毀。但最後計劃失敗了,什麼都沒有毀滅,在一切開始之前,就因為人形氣球自體爆裂而結束了。同一年的重新橋下,亦發生了一場大型械鬥,當天在場的人們,拿著鐵棒、生魚片刀,互相朝對方身上揮舞。 我想起吳中煒的老家天台,看見(由他的父親吳二曲所製作的)「小人國主題樂園」翻模剩餘的殘骸,堆積成小山丘,直到現在仍擺放在那片天台慢慢剝落損壞:不同時間所發生的、看似不相關的事物堆積成團,隨著日曬雨淋,成為一座縮小版國家廢墟。 此一作品緣起於策展人游崴與「在地實驗」2017年於台北市立美術館所共同策劃的「破身影」,重新凝視台灣1990年代以身體官能為基底的文化實踐──關於破敗的身體、踰越的感官、未竟的烏托邦。