A Dark and Quiet Place, 2017

Hong Kong 2019
A Dark and Quiet Place

Modern Art, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery

A Dark and Quiet Place, Noonan’s first film in over a decade, reflects on theatre, performance, time, and the tension between figuration and abstraction. The film is a durational work comprising still images that dissolve and shift, creating new connections and juxtapositions while drawing on sci-fi methods to represent the past and the present. The film montages imagery from Noonan’s archive to create an immersive experience supported by a minimalist electronic soundtrack. The images, manipulated through photo editing to expose architectural elements, create new readings of theatrical spaces. This editing questions the veracity of archival imagery while reflecting the artificial nature and alternate realities present in stage and set design. Title:《一個黑暗而安靜的地方》 Artist: David Noonan David Noonan的《一個黑暗而安靜的地方》,是他近十多年來所拍攝的的第一部電影,反映了戲劇、表演、時間以及形象與抽象之間的緊張關係。這是一部較展的短片,輯錄了靜止圖像,這些圖像可以溶解和移動,創造新的連接和並置,同時利用科幻手法來表現過去和現在。這部錄像以Noonan的存檔為蒙太奇圖像,當中的沉浸式體驗輔以極簡主義電子原聲音樂。透過映像編輯操縱圖像以暴露建築元素,創建對戲劇空間的一種新闡釋。這種編輯質疑檔案圖像的準確性,同時反映了舞台和佈景設計中存在的人為和現實的交替。